芝加哥大学模拟联合国大会·中国会议 2021

Invitation from the Organizing Committee



因全球疫情影响,去年芝加哥大学模拟联合国大会·中国会议改为线上的形式举办,作为蔚蓝国际对于模联线上会议的第一次尝试,会议受到了参会代表的肯定。MUNUC China Conference Online 2020 共有48 所学校接近300 名代表参与其中,分别来自大陆及香港特别行政区19 个省市、自治区,同时还吸引了来自于美国高中代表的加入。从小学六年级至大四毕业生,不同年龄不同年级的代表齐聚一堂,这让我们感受到模联会议正在受到越来越多学生群体的欢迎,同时也体现了大家对芝加哥模拟联合国大会的认可。

今年,MUNUC China Conference 2021 将继续与大家在5 月相约,会议将于2020 年5 月15 日开始,在两个周末先后举办,每周开设2 个委员会,每个委员会总会议时长1.5 天,共计约13 个小时。会议主席团成员均来自于芝加哥大学,他们将总结去年线上会议的经验,更加合理优化会议规则流程,让所有参会代表体验芝加哥大学模联资深的学术水平与严谨的学术态度。每期会议前,组委会将安排线上学术培训,让参会代表在会前对充分熟悉规则流程,掌握议题调研方法及会议软件使用等,确保线上会议期间讨论能够高效进行。

目前,MUNUC China Conference 2021 报名通道已经开启,你可以通过本邀请函了解会议的所有信息,任何关于会议的问题请联系组委会工作人员获取帮助。希望明年5 月,疫情散去,会议可以以原汁原味的线下形式与大家见面,让我们共同期待!

MUNUC China Online Conference 组委会
2021 年3 月

Welcome Letter from the Secretary-General


Dear delegates,

I’m Jake Fiedler, Secretary-General of the Model United Nations of the University of Chicago (MUNUC), and I am honored to welcome you to MUNUC China Online 2021. MUNUC annually hosts a four-day Model UN conferencein downtown Chicago, each year drawing more than three thousand dedicated delegates, advisors, and staff to a weekend of rigorous discussion and debate. MUNUC prioritizes pedagogical aspects of the MUN experience. More than engaging in competition, MUNUC encourages delegates to ask for feedback and improve their essential public speaking, negotiation, and debate skills. MUNUC makes every effort to create an environment where delegates are not just comfortable, but excited to have nuanced conversations which challenge their abilities and ideas, all in the context of forging solutions to pressing and intractable global problems.

This is our second annual MUNUC China Online conference. After taking the initiative to host the first online conference in May 2020, MUNUC has gathered numerous experiences on how to improve delegates’ experiences at virtual conferences. Our chairs and staffs adapted quickly to the new formatting, redesigning background guides, revamping conference flows, and making every effort to engage every delegate during the committee sessions. Learning from our past experiences, we are ready to replicate as much as the authentic Chicago conference experience to you. You will be discussing one of the most exciting and pressuring global challenges, and we are eager to hear what you think and see the impact you can make. Even if you are new to Model UN or unfamiliar with the virtual setting, our staff on every committee are ready and happy to act as guides both before and during conference. For experienced delegates, our dais members will guide you to dive deeper into the topics and challenge to achieve your best.

The past year has been challenging for all of us. It is definitely not a format that we all prefer, but choosing the virtual format reflects our commitment and your determination to make a difference. It is vital of you, the generation of solvers, to tackle these global problems and work in an integrated way to heal the world. We hope this event will encourage you to take the first step to solve the challenges in our global communities and take initiatives to turn your blueprint to reality.

If you want to contact MUNUC about the topics or content of any of the committees, or with other general questions, please feel free to email Jianyang Cheng, MUNUC’s Chief Strategy Officer at cso@munuc.org. Lastly, I would like to thank Weland for serving as our virtual host again this year, and we are all excited to meet with and work with you in May.

Best regards,

Jacob B. Fiedler
Secretary-General and Chief Executive Officer
Model United Nations of the University of Chicago

Conference Date, Committees & Topics


2021.05.15 – 05.16

World Cities Summit (WCS)
Topic: Megacities
International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
Topic: Drug Trafficking in the Western Hemisphere

2021.05.22 – 05.23

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Topic: Development of Nuclear Energy
World Health Organization (WHO)
Topic: Intellectual Property Rights of Pharmaceuticals


  1. 每期会议开设2 个委员会,均为单代表制,代表人数设置在40-60 人。
    There are two committees every weekend, both of which are single delegation with 25-30 delegates.
  2. 代表可根据自身情况选择参会时间,组委会将按照先到先得的原则尽量按照代表意愿分配委员会,
    The organizing committee will make reasonable adjustments based on the time of mid-term
    examinations and other examinations in various regions. The specific arrangements will be announced
    in time.

Conference Timeline



Conference Registration Opens 会议报名开启
Committees and Topics Release 委员会议题陆续公布


Background Guides Release 背景材料陆续公布
Country Assignment 国家席位分配开启


MUNUC China Online Conference 2021 Starts 第一期会议正式开始

Conference Schedule


Day 1, Saturday

08:30-12:00Opening Ceremony & Session 1 开幕式&分组会议1
13:30-17:00Session 2 分组会议2
21:00-23:00Session 3 分组会议3

Day 2, Sunday

08:30-12:30Session 4 & Closing Ceremony(including award presentation)
分组会议4 & 闭幕式(含颁奖)

Conference Fees


会议费用 Conference Fees:

每期会议费用为人民币398 元/人,费用包含会前线上培训。
Conference Fee: 398 CNY/per delegate/per week, including delegate Online training.

Delegates can choose different committees to register for multiple meetings according to their ownschedule.

Conference Registration & Payment



Delegation registration


Faculty Advisor and head delegate please click the button below for delegation registration, the organizing committee will be in touch with you soon!

Conference fee for delegation can be paid through both Alipay and bank transfer. Alipay and bank account
information are as follow:

支付宝账号 – Alipay


银行账户信息 – Bank Account Information

账户名Account Name北京蔚蓝加国际教育咨询有限公司
账 号Account No.0200209109200009044
开户行Account Bank中国工商银行北京万国城支行


Individual delegate registration

Please click the button below for registration, the organizing committee will be in touch with you soon after you
complete your payment!

Contact Us


有任何关于会议报名缴费以及会议安排的问题,您都可以与我们的工作人员进行沟通,此外,您还可以通过电子邮箱info@welandedu.com 或关注我们的微信公众号WEClub 与我们随时取得联系。

If you have any questions related to the registration, payment and arrangement for the conference, feel free to contact our staffs. You can also contact us over email at info@welandedu.com or our Official WeChat Account WEClub.