MUNUC-SFLS Model United Nations Conference 2024



Invitation from The Organizing Committee



我们特此诚挚地邀请您莅临并参与“2024年上海外国语大学附属外国语学校-芝加哥大学国际模拟联合国大会”(MUNUC-SFLS Model United Nations Conference 2024)。会议将于2024年12月19日至22日在上海外国语大学附属外国语学校举办。



2024年的会议还将根据代表报名情况设置Ad Hoc Committee of the SecGen(秘书长特别委员会),结合当下波云诡谲的国际形势,旨在为模联经验丰富并希望感受国际关系多元化的参会代表带来更优质的会议体验。






国际模拟联合国大会 组委会


Welcome Letter from MUNUC


Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisors,

It is my great pleasure and honor to invite you to the 6th session of MUNUC-SFLS as the Secretary General representing the Model United Nations of the University of Chicago (MUNUC). Last year, over 400 high schoolers from all across China gathered in the classrooms of SFLS Affiliated with SISU to address some of the world’s most pressing issues, and continue their journeys into developing into the world’s future leaders with MUNUC. I am beyond excited to bring MUNUC back to this stage along with our partners SFLS Affliliated to SISU and WELAND International this December.

Both at our home conference and abroad, MUNUC believes in the value of pedagogy, a term we believe to be represented by shared learning, socially-conscious thinking, and people-forward problem solving. We aim to bring these values to our delegates through our hand-picked committees and directors who shall support our delegates hone their public speaking, negotiation, and critical thinking skills throughout their time at MUNUC-SFLS.

As an extension to the collective effort of over 300 college students from the University of Chicago, we pride ourselves on the detailed scope of our myriad simulations at MUNUC-SFLS. This year, we will host committees with topics spanning across geographical regions and time periods, covering important world developments from ocean conservation to artificial intelligence. Furthermore, unlike previous years, MUNUC shall bring one of MUNUC Chicago’s iconic continuous crisis committees to Shanghai, inviting delegates to challenge themselves to the fast-paced, creative, and exciting practice of reacting to live crises throughout the conference.

Staying committed to our goal as a learning conference, each of our committees are designed bring unique learning for delegates as they research, find solutions, and debate global challenges with their peers. Throughout the conference, our experienced MUNUC directors are also committed to provide constructive feedback to advance each delegate’s growth and learning as students and world citizens.

In our partnership with SFLS Affliliated to SISU and WELAND International over the past years, we have consistently been an exceptional and momentous experience for students from across the world. We welcome delegates with all levels of experience, whether they are first-timers experimenting with the world of MUN, or seasoned MUNers bringing with them knowledge that they have learned in other conferences. We are so excited to welcome you to Shanghai this December, and if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any one of our directors.


Cissy Choy

Secretary-General for MUNUC-SFLS Conference 2024

Conference Timeline


2024.09.03Committees and Topics Release 委员会议题公布
2024.09.20Background Guides Release 背景文件公布
2024.09.20Country Assignment 国家席位分配开启
2024.10.15Directors Information Release 主席团信息公布
2024.12.06-12.07Pre-conference Training 会前学术培训
2024.12.09Registration Closes 报名截止
2024.12.19MUNUC-SFLS Conference 2023 Starts 会议开始

Conference Schedule


December 19th, 2024

09:00-16:00Conference Registration 会议注册
16:30-17:30Opening Ceremony 开幕式
17:30-18:30Dinner Service (School Cafeteria) 晚餐
18:30-20:30Committee Session 1 分组会议1
21:00Campus Curfew 宵禁

December 20th, 2024

10:00-12:00Delegate Workshop
(University of Chicago Admissions Session) 会间工作坊
12:30-13:30Lunch Service (School Cafeteria) 午餐
13:30-17:30Committee Session 2 分组会议2
17:30-19:00Dinner Service (School Cafeteria) 晚餐
19:30-21:00Committee Session 3 分组会议3
21:00Campus Curfew 宵禁

December 21st, 2024

10:00-12:00Committee Session 4 分组会议4
12:00-13:30Lunch Service (School Cafeteria) 午餐
13:30-17:00Committee Session 5 分组会议5
17:00-19:00Dinner Service (School Cafeteria) 晚餐
19:00-21:30Delegate Social Events 社交活动
21:00Campus Curfew 宵禁

December 22nd, 2024

09:30-11:00Committee Session 6 分组会议6
11:30-12:30Closing Ceremony & Awards 闭幕式及颁奖
12:30-13:30Lunch Service (School Cafeteria) 午餐
13:30Delegate See-off 代表返程

Committees & Topics


Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM)

Topic: Implications of Artificial Intelligence

Scale: 60-80 Delegates

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

Topic: Armed Conflicts and the Human Rights of Refugees

Scale: 47 Delegates

Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)

Topic: Space Law

Scale: 60-80 Delegates

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Topic: Trafficking of Cultural Objects

Scale: 60-80 Delegates

Historical United Nations Security Council (UNSC) (Double Delegates)

Topic: Syria, 2019

Scale: 30 Delegates

Continuous Crisis Committee (CRISIS)

Topic: Creation of FDA

Scale: 20-30 Delegates

Ad Hoc Committee of the SecGen

Scale: 20-30 Delegates

* 以上委员会均为英文委,其中UNSC为双代表委员会。

* All the committees are in English, and the UNSC is double delegates committee.

Conference Date & Venue


Conference Date会议时间:2024.12.19-12.22

Conference Venue会议地点:

Shanghai Foreign Language School 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校

Address地址:295, Zhongshan Beiyi Road, Shanghai (上海市中山北一路295号)

Conference Registration


1 – 团体代表报名通道 – Delegation registration


Faculty Advisor and head delegate please scan the QR Code below for delegation registration, the organizing committee will be in touch with you soon!

2 – 个人代表报名通道 – Individual delegate registration


Please scan the QR Code below for registration, the organizing committee will be in touch with you soon after you complete your payment!

Conference Fees & Payment


Conference Fee: 1,680 CNY/per delegate, including,


• Conference Material Package 会议材料费;

• Meals and Tea Break (School Cafeteria, December 19th Lunch & Dinner, December 20th -21st Breakfast & Lunch & Dinner, December 22nd Breakfast & Lunch) 会间餐饮费和茶歇(学校食堂,12月19日午晚餐,12月20日至21日早午晚餐,12月22日早午餐);

• Pre-Conference Online Training 会前线上学术培训费;

• Medical Insurance 保险费;

• Government Tax and VAT 政府税费.

not including 不包括,

• Accommodation 住宿费;

• Personal Expenses 个人花费.

缴费方式 Payment: 报名成功的代表可通过麦客表链接、支付宝转账和银行汇款三种方式进行缴纳。支付宝转账及银行汇款的具体信息如下:Conference fee can be paid through CRM link, Alipay and bank transfer. Alipay and bank account information are as follow:


银行账户信息-Bank Account Information

账户名Account Name: 北京蔚蓝加国际教育咨询有限公司

  Account No.: 0200209109200009044

开户行Account Bank: 中国工商银行北京万国城支行


1 – 团体代表缴费请务必在支付宝或银行汇款备注中填写学校(简称)、联络人姓名(指导教师或首席代表)、联系方式和代表数量;个人代表缴费请务必在汇款备注中写明代表姓名、学校(简称)和联系方式。Delegation payment must note School Name (in short), Contact Person (FA or Head Delegate), Contact and number of delegate. Individual Payment must note Name, School Name (in short) and Contact.

2 – 退款政策Policy of Refund国家席位一经分配和确认,代表会议费将无法再退还。在此之前,若因客观原因确认无法参加会议请联系会议组委会。Once the country/position(s) is assigned to any delegate or delegation, the delegate fee will not be refunded by any occasion.

Conference Accommodation


MUNUC-SFLS Conference 2024 offers delegates 2 accommodation options in order to fully meet need.


Option 1: Shanghai Foreign Language School Dormitory

Fee: 240 CNY/per person (3 nights stay from December 19th to 22nd, Six-Bed Room)

*Lower Bunk is priority offered. Wash set, slipper and towel are not provided.




Option 2: Wisdom Hotel Shanghai (3 minutes’ walk within Shanghai Foreign Language School)

Fee: 720 CNY/per person (3 nights stay from December 19th to 22nd, Double Standard Room)



No accommodation alternatives would be provided by the organizing committee due to management concerns. 为了方便统一管理,本届会议,组委会将不再提供除以上两种住宿安排选择外的其他选择。



会议邀请函 Conference Invitation

背景文件 Background Guide